Self-Referral Contact us directly at with your best contact details and we will endeavour to get in contact with you as soon as possible.
General Practitioner A General Practitioner (GP) is also able to refer directly to us via emailing a copy of a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) or referral letter. Correspondence can be sent to (preferred). Letter correspondence can be addressed to Tend Mental Health, PO BOX 1/48 McAdam Square, Croydon, VIC, 3134.
Alternatively, your GP can provide you directly with a copy of your MHTP, which you can bring to your appointment or email to us. Please note that the MHCPs need to be addressed to "Tend Mental Health", include the date the plan was created, and also the amount of sessions the referral is for.
Other Professional Referrals
Child Protection, NDIS, Schools or other Allied Health Professionals can either contact us by the contact page or assisting individuals or families to contact Tend Mental Health directly via the website or the online page link for bookings.