Materials & Resources
Free downloadable resources, including research publications and infographics by Dr Jessica Laird, and other therapeutic materials.
What is Child Sexual Exploitation?
What is Child Sexual Exploitation Online?
Child sexual exploitation (CSE) is a serious and persistent global issue affecting up to 5% of the child and youth population worldwide; yet there is no universally accepted definition. To develop a theoretically robust definition of CSE, this review systematically synthesized literature examining CSE definitions aiming to develop a conceptual model and typology. Electronic databases were searched to February 2021, yielding 384 nonduplicative records. Inclusion criteria were peer reviewed and grey literature investigations of sexual exploitation, with a mean sample age of 18 years or younger, available in the English language. Literature review and data extraction followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Sixty-six studies met final inclusion criteria. Two independent reviewers extracted relevant data and used an epistemological approach to thematically analyse meaning and patterns across CSE definitions. Key findings demonstrate that CSE nomenclature is widely inconsistent, and despite growing awareness of this severe form of abuse, language continues to perpetuate stigma and criminalisation, utilising terms such as ‘adolescent or child prostitute’. Our findings propose a scientifically and trauma-informed definition and conceptualisation of CSE, based on the following four-dimensional components: (1) A child/young person; (2) sexual acts; (3) abuse; and (4) exploitation (abuse + exchange). In this systematic review, a unified definition and conceptual model aims to advance knowledge and understanding of CSE, contributing to the progression of social norms which embrace nuances of trauma-informed practice and support for the identification and recovery of children, young people and families affected by sexual exploitation.
What is Sexting Coercion?
The digital age has drastically altered the expression of human relationships, with sexting behaviours in young people becoming more and more common. ‘Sexting’ means there is an electronic exchange of sexually explicit text messages, images, photos, or video content via any digital platform. ‘Sexting coercion’ is also becoming more prevalent, but constitutes a form of abuse, where an aggressive and violent type of sexting behaviour occurs amid threat, pressure, persistent requests, and/or coercion.
Read more in our research article below.
Keeping Safe? An analysis of the outcomes of work with sexually exploited young people in Wales
The ‘Keeping Safe?’ project, is a three year study funded by the Welsh Government through conducted by a team of researchers in School of Social Sciences, led by Dr Sophie Hallett.
A range of free visual materials have been developed from the research. These have been created as a way of sharing core findings and key messages, and have been designed for use as a reflective/discussion tool for practitioners and professionals working with children and young people. They can be used in pairs, teams or multi-agency settings to facilitate discussion and shared learning, but they can also be used individually.
Therapeutic Resources.
A video to describe what EMDR is to children and young people.
Window of Tolerance
Zones of regulation.
What is EMDR?
What is empathy?
Being With & Shark Music